A Discipleship Journey

Bible Study

This is a Bible Study designed to take you deeper in your faith journey. Wether you studied the bible before or never have this course will help you “grow” in your faith walk. Join others as we embark on a journey through what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.

Pre-Marital Coaching

Couples who are preparing to get married, have the joy to sit down with coaches to talk about every aspect of their future lives together. They thoughtfully take the time as a couple to focus on friends, family, finances and faith. Together they’ll come up with strategies of problem solving, conflict resolution, all the while practicing purposeful, active listening skills.


We believe that baptism is a visible representation of a person’s identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. We encourage and celebrate believer’s baptism by immersing a person in water who has consciously chosen to follow Jesus Christ.

Freedom Kids

Kids are more than welcome at our church! We strive to provide a safe environment for kids and families. Children start with us in the main service and will be dismissed after worship to their classes.

Baby Dedication

A baby Dedication is a formal/public opportunity to dedicate your children to the Lord. During a dedication, the parents promise to model and teach faith in Jesus Christ to their children. Our congregation promises to support the parents in the task of raising their children. It is a time of great joy for the family and the church.


Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. Each session looks at a different question and is designed to create conversation.

Freedom Kids Choir


Haverim Bible Study

What is Haverim? Haverim means 'friends who study together'. It provides a unique way to understand and share scripture. The method is based on a Biblical system and teaches people how to study not simply what to study. Haverim Devotions™ approaches the Bible in a unique way and appeals to all personality types.

Pre-Marital Coaching

Couples who are preparing to get married, have the joy to sit down with coaches to talk about every aspect of their future lives together. They thoughtfully take the time as a couple to focus on friends, family, finances and faith. Together they’ll come up with strategies of problem solving, conflict resolution all the while practicing purposeful, active listening skills.


We believe that baptism is a visible representation of a person’s identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. We encourage and celebrate believer’s baptism by immersing a person in water who has consciously chosen to follow Jesus Christ.

Freedom Kids

Kids are more than welcome at our church! We strive to provide a safe environment for kids and families. Children start with us in the main service and will be dismissed after worship to their classes.

Baby Dedication

A baby Dedication is a formal/public opportunity to dedicate your children to the Lord. During a dedication, the parents promise to model and teach faith in Jesus Christ to their children. Our congregation promises to support the parents in the task of raising their children. It is a time of great joy for the family and the church.


Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. Each session looks at a different question and is designed to create conversation.

Freedom Kids Choir